Man in audience yawning with hand covering mouth

How to avoid death by PowerPoint

We’ve all been there. Someone from Finance presenting the latest sales data, delivered across 100 slides filled with text from top to bottom and ’50 shades of grey’ bar graphs that all look the same to the untrained eye.

The presentation ends somewhat awkwardly, and more awkwardness ensues as silence follows when everyone is asked if there are any questions. Crickets. Tumbleweeds. All the awkward things.

If you’ve been an audience member/hostage in this presentation scenario, the reality is clear. It’s painful for everyone. But it doesn’t need to be! We’ve rounded up some ideas to help you create presentations that don’t result in a snoozefest.

Stop boring your audience to death by using these top tips 

Keep it simple

Using clear and concise language is key – it will ensure your audience can easily follow what you are talking about. You also want to avoid clutter on the slide. If you can’t decide which of the three photos you want to include, don’t put them all in. Instead, back yourself. With any visuals you do include, make sure they work hard to relate to the words you’re using.  

Less is more

Limit the number of slides you use in your presentation. We get it, you’re super passionate about your presentation topic and that’s awesome but be mindful that your audience may not be as into your topic area, or be entirely new to it, so ease them in with clarity so you don’t end up with overwhelm. Stick to the most important information and cut out anything that is not essential.  

A picture says a thousand words

Integrating relevant imagery, graphics and video footage can help to illustrate what you’re explaining and make your presentation more engaging. Double check the resolution of the images so they are clear and provide the source you obtained them from in the notes of your presentation. If you’re including video footage, be sure it is embedded properly within the slide and plays without a hitch so you can deliver your presentation confidently and without any technical delays. 

Make your data POP!

If you’re including data in your presentation, please, for the love of PowerPoint make it clear. Colour contrast with any charts or graphs is important so viewers can understand at a glance which values are represented and quickly be able to identify any trends within the data set. 

Interaction for the win

By engaging with your audience, you will keep them more interested in your presentation – as long as the interaction is meaningful and genuine. Asking questions to keep people on their toes and to get their initial thoughts is a good way to get a steer if your messages are landing. 

If the thought of public speaking makes your palms sweat, you’re in good company. We offer training packages for teams and individuals that could be helpful for clarifying your content and making your presentations more effective.   

Test and run through

It’s always wise to make sure all equipment is working before you run your presentation. Do a run through and double check any interactive elements within your presentation are working, if you’re using a clicker, same story, and if you’re hooking your laptop to a projector or smart board you need to test that the connection works and displays your presentation at the correct ratio. Sound settings are worth testing too if you are using any audio throughout as is the lighting in the room so the presentation can be easily seen. Getting the technical bits right will mean you can focus on delivering your key messages well and responding to questions. 

End with impact

Don’t leave the best until last, it’s important that you capture your audience’s attention first thing but do make sure you end with a strong conclusion. Summarise the key points and make it clear what kind of action you want your audience to take and how they can do so. Don’t leave them guessing. 

Gain the skills and confidence to take charge of your performance

Whether you are struggling with your design skills or presentation style, our packages in PowerPoint training and public speaking are built to supercharge your capability to present professionally and persuasively. Memorable presentations are well within reach – let us help you get to a faster yes. 

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